Everyone knows that repair is a very troublesome business that spends a lot of time and a large amount of funds. Currently, in construction stores there is a large selection of building materials that are diverse in quality and price. If you decide not to save money on repair and make it on the elite class, then you must choose modern finishing material – leather tiles. If you finish the room with such a decorative material, it will look very beautiful and acquires its individuality. Leather tiles are used as finishing material not only for residential premises, but also for public. Such material is used not just for decoration of walls and ceilings, but also as a floor covering.
Leather tiles are a harmless material that is characterized by the durability of operation. If such a tile is applied for flooring, then its service life will be up to 20 years, and wall leather tiles will last you even longer. Leather tiles have such qualities: high fire resistance, good sound and thermal insulation. A distinctive feature of leather tiles from ceramic is that it cannot be broken. The main disadvantage of such tiles is its high cost. The price of one square meter of leather tiles is about 3500 rubles. It is better not to use leather tiles as a flooring in corridors, as it can deteriorate from heels, so it is better to apply it for flooring in the bedroom. The disadvantages of such tiles are that from direct sunlight and temperature jumps, it is aging very quickly and loses its appearance. Do not forget that genuine leather has a specific smell, which not everyone likes.
For the manufacture of leather tiles, they use bull or pork skin, very rarely used calf, crocodile and even python skin.
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