Wood for the manufacture of plates should be healthy. Mushrooms can be allowed only if its mechanical properties are not affected. When using wood raw materials, some factories are also used by churaks affected by a seat rot. In this case, the main part of the rotten wood is removed from the churak when caught, and then when grinding wood on chip machines and especially with secondary grinding chips on hammer crushers, the remaining rotten wood is easily crushed into particles of such small sizes that, during subsequent separation, will go into waste into waste.
Humps and rails received as waste when sawing ridges on lumber, account for about 19% of the number of sawed raw materials. Up to 250 thousand is cut at a modern four -guard sawmill. M3 raw materials per year. Therefore, about 45 thousand will receive at such a plant. M3 Horbilles and Speaks. These waste, containing straight -layer cutter with a small number of knots, are a high -quality raw material for chips.
In order to use these waste in the production of plates, the logs before sawing must be cleaned of the bark, since the rustle of the humps of different lengths and cross -section represents significant difficulties. At some sawmill enterprises, humplings and rails are immediately sent to a chopping machine for chopping in chips, which can also be used for the production of plates.
Typically, chips are turned into chips on special chips, and into stick -shaped particles (crusher) in crushers. As will be shown later, the slabs from the crusher in quality are significantly inferior to slabs made of special chips, so it is more advisable to turn the humps and slats into chips.
For the production of plates, chips from woodworking machines can be used. However, slabs from this chip are worst quality than from special shavings.
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