The most popular in our time remains water -based paint. It is not necessary to choose only white paint, the range of such colors is very large. Before the start of painting, the ceiling must be put in order.
To do this, use gypsum or acrylic putty so that there are no slightest tubercles or scratches. So that the putty does not crumble, it should let it dry completely.
For work, tools such as a roller with long hair will be required, a brush that you can penetrate into all places, as well as a paint container. In order to be visible whether the stains will be visible with your painting, you need to use the lamp with good lighting.
Regardless of what quality the paint will be, you need to apply it in three layers. More than two layers should not be applied per day, and each layer is applied perpendicular to the previous.
Paint on the roller should be applied evenly and painted towards the window. If the paint is very thick, it should be diluted with water, but not very liquid, since it will spread. If you do not remove all defects well, then they will appear a lot.
Carefully make sure that there are no divorces left, since when drying they will be very noticeable.
The price of paint depends, Ante Todo, on its quality, it is better to take a good quality paint. The guarantee of such work may be about ten years. If you have acquired an acrylic -based paint, you should remember that it does not have such properties.
Such paint with frequent washing will quickly wash off, especially if you plan to often wash the surface. The work requires several days, but in the end you will receive a beautiful and high -quality ceiling that will please you for more than one year, and if you wish, you can always change its color.
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