Building materials have changed so often so often that you can’t keep track of everything, since those that were used today, tomorrow, may well be replaced with more modern and better materials. The most common material in the construction markets is a brick, from which it is not a small part of modern houses, but at the moment, it has a fairly clear competitor that has great advantages.
Modern aerated concrete is a building material, the porosity of which can reach 80-85 percent, it combines the beauty of the tree and the strength of natural stone.
In modern construction, the most important criterion is the strength of a particular material, and so, according to many experts, it follows that aerated concrete combines lightness and strength, and these parameters are key in construction.
Aerated concrete can easily be cut, if necessary, it is dusty, you can do everything that is possible, for this reason, this material is often chosen as the main one, because when using it you can build quite beautiful houses.
Aerated concrete is a material that has a small thermal conductivity in comparison with brick, that in this house the heat loss will be minimal. If you are worried about sound insulation in the house so as not to hear extraneous sounds, then you can be completely calm, since this material is also a good sound insulator. This material is not amenable to sharp temperature differences, he is not afraid of severe frosts, high temperature, so he will retain his original appearance and delight you and your guests for decades for decades.
Moiterem construction blog Iotrem to provide a large amount of useful and interesting information about the construction and repair of premises. Here information is presented on the design and design of how to build OM with your own hands and much more.
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