Apparently metal racers

Metallo-Generals- OSCIB incorposures, in the result, the form of the form, the form of the Rosemi і fіzichni power. Methodiv incorposals of bagato, basic cans of the littei, risk scorching, cornering that is mechanical. Met is incumbent of an aboa one abolom in ways, vid an armathy to lay over the above structural wir.

Lyvarna Rhanding the fuel of the pile of an outstretched metala in the specialized form, the detail was defeated by Vidlivi. The Little process is able to Rodliti on Kilka Etapiv: Spochaka Yee Pidgotovka і Vlakhlennya Solvere, Potim Creaming Metal, Pouring Form I A FAVALY VIDALINE. For the TSO VIKORISTOVOVIT VIDENSHIS- cheap-up chavun, steel, zinkovi, aluminі-є і і ​​orth bloom.

Rubbing with a grip. At the TSOMU, the expansion of the deformation of the metallo, the Ale is not wrapping up the structure behind the pretense of the forces of the forces. The power of the incorporation of the meter is put on. Before the backbone, rolling, kuvannya, stamp, presuvanny I Volochіnnya.

RIZANNYA METALA – mechanical fingertips VIDBUVE Vidalenny Porothale of Metalu, for the Nadanniy geometric formation for the pre -person RIZNIKH ISTRUMENT. Tsey Method . Vikoristovani vicoristovani iztrmenting gratification can be boty milling, rospiluvannia with a saw, Sverdlinnya, Tochenie Ebil.

Welding Metiv. For this, Shcho Z’dnati threw ї їkhni bears to shut up the jargonal of the funeral. ISNUT three classes of the parties, deposit, yak yergiya vicoristovo: mechanical class (behind the pre -native of the heat of the yergii), thermomechanical class (behind the pre -person, the gross of the heat of the ENERGIA) I am mechanical class (behind the pre -world.

Ozda Masov is a german concrete in Budіvnitv. Tsey Matterial Volodіn, the firmament of the zberezhennya of the temperature of the admissions and. Yogo is easy to get up, vin is inexpensive, and the yakost vidmіnna. Surrounded by the technology for the installation of aerated concrete can on the site . We have a founding vibir of Budіelny Matereal.