Conventional ceramic tiles are a material that wears out quickly enough, especially when it is used for floor cladding. A completely different matter is a tile of porcelain tiles, which is able to withstand the hardest operation, without losing its beautiful appearance. This material appeared on the market recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among consumers, especially since the tiles of porcelain border, the price is quite low, if we take into account the entire set of positive qualities that this type of cladding has compared to traditional competitive solutions. Of course, the porcelain tile is inferior to the diamond, however, it is not so far behind it in this parameter.
Conventional tiles are characterized by high porosity, due to which it is not able to withstand too high temperatures for a sufficiently long time, under the influence of which it can quickly fail. But tiles made of porcelain tiles of this deficiency are completely devoid of, since it has no pore. As a result, porcelain tile is not afraid not only of heating, but also of low temperatures – it is easily able to withstand frosts up to minus fifty degrees, therefore it is often used for external decoration of buildings. Unlike tiles, porcelain tiles are painted throughout its thickness, and not just superficially. Therefore, in the case of a chip, it will simply be invisible.
In fact, porcelain tiles only outwardly resemble ordinary ceramic. In fact, it has a completely different composition and method of manufacturing. From a technical point of view, it would be most correct to call this material a synthetic stone, because it is actually a granite of increased strength sold in the form of thin plates. Such a tile is glued to the surface of the base in the same way as the tile. It is ideal for external cladding of buildings, for flooring and walls in a wide variety of rooms, characterized by increased moisture level.
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