When an improved warm glazing of loggias is carried out, which has huge advantages over cold, specialized rotary-oxide wings are used, while the desired microclimate is obtained, it turns out to be achieved through the use of the so-called slit ventilation. A unique slotted ventilation system allows you to achieve a constant air flow into the apartment without the need to open the window sashes without mandatory opening.
This type of modern glazing of loggias and balconies has such outstanding thermal insulation characteristics, which allows you to maintain at least a ten -degree difference in temperature with the street even on condition that additional devices are not used for heating the room.
If the glazing of the loggia is combined with the installation of an air conditioner capable of working in heating mode, then as a result, it turns out to equip a full -fledged living room in this room that allows you to sleep in the fresh air. Such glazing will be especially effective if the room of the loggia is combined with the room adjacent to it.
It is extremely important that the glazing of the loggia has a solid and reliable anti -ibal fittings, especially if the apartment is on the lowest or upper floor of the building. This will guarantee it to protect her from undesirable penetration of attackers. Also, it will not hurt to install special locks on the windows that allow you to avoid random or intentionally opening the wings with children.
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